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Stereorocks – Denboraldiaren itxiera jaia / Fiesta cierre de temporada


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About the club / Klubari buruz

Stereorocks is an electronic music (techno, house, disco,… ) club in Bilbao’s downtown. The club programmes all Friday from September to June. Referent of electronic music with a risky programming, where you can find national and international guests, playing Live or DJ Set.

Stereorocks is located at Kafe Antzokia’s upper venue. The most important stage in Bilbao. Most Basque musicians have played at Kafe Antzokia, as have hundreds of foreign groups and solo artists. Kafe Antzokia is well-known outside Bilbao too. Having unusual characteristics, artists particularly appreciate playing there and fans come from great distances to enjoy the varied programme offered.

The value of being a small club is the closeness between the artists and the crowd. This fact gives good vibrations to all our guests. And of course, surrounded by a good quality sound system.

Stereorocks Bilboko erdian dagoen musika elektroniko (techno, house, disco…) klub bat da. Klubak ostiralero programatzen du irailetik ekainera. Musika elektronikoaren erreferentziak, programazio arriskatu batean, non aurki daitezken bertako eta nazioarteko gonbidatuak, zuzenekoa edo DJ set-a egiten.

Stereorocks Kafe Antzokiko goiko aretoan dago. Bilboko oholtzarik garrantzitsuena. Euskal musikari gehienek Kafe Antzokian jo dute, bai eta atzerriko ehundaka talde eta bakarlariek ere. Kafe Antzokia oso ezaguna da Bilbotik kanpo ere. Ezaugarri bereziak izanik, artistek bereziki estimatzen dute bertan jotzea eta zaleak distantzia urrunetatik datoz eskeinitako programazio askotarikoaz gozatzera.

Klub txiki bat izatearen balioa artistaren eta entzulegoaren arteko gertutasuna da. Honek bibrazio onak ematen dizkie gure gonbidatuei. Bai eta noski, soinu ekipamendu on batek guztia inguratzea.

Here some artist that have visited the club: / Hona hemen kluba bisitatu duten zenbait artista:

Jackmaster, Erol Alkan, Axel Boman, Sampha, Simian Mobile Disco, The Hacker, Jasper James, Young Marco, Joe Goddard (Hot Chip), Fort Romeau, Acid Arab, Mella Dee, Avalon Emerson, Tijana T, Matias Aguayo, Moscoman, Lena Willikens, Tim Sweeney, Leon Vynehall, Mike Servito, Tom Trago, Ghost Culture, HAAi-, Courtesy, Christian Löffler, InterrFerence (I-F), Eduardo de la Calle, Dave DK, Sebastien Bouchet, Cora Novoa, El_Txef_A, Lauer, Eclair Fifi, Pional, Legowelt, She Made Monster, Skatebard, Cowboy Rhythmbox, Lazercat, Naks, Italoconnection, Alexander Robotnick, Daniela La Luz,…

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